SW Video Club Newscast 11-22-2024 11-22-2024 Newscast Show Transcript hi I'm Evan and welcome to this week's video Club broadcast this week we have special guests Ethan and Ryan bringing you bad joke theater but first the news Friday night the class of 2028 invites students in grades 7th 8th and 9th to a lights out semi formal dance in the high school cafeteria from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 3 p.m. there is a suggested donation of $12 also on Friday night the varsity football team will be playing at O'Neal High School against Moravia the game starts at 6 p-m good luck Bulldogs the area all state music festival is Friday and Saturday at suffering High School good luck to all participants on Monday November 25th modified winter sports begin there will be no school Wednesday the 27th through the 29th for Thanksgiving break have a relaxing and safe Thanksgiving and try not to eat too much the elementary family teacher conferences will take place Thursday December 5th and Friday December 6th Thursday it will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. and on Friday it will take place from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Friday the 6th the elementary will be dismissing early the all state music festival will take place December 5th 6th 7th and faith in Rochester New York and now for badjo theater so why was the turkey asked to join a band I don't know why was he he could bring his own drumsticks hey did you about the Scarecrow who won first place no I never have he was outstanding in his field okay so when you're playing football though you never usually want to do anything bad well what was the turkey Sous expected of something bad Foul Play wow that was great thanks for being our special guest this week and now for did you know did you know that turkey wasn't on the menu at the first Thanksgiving Venice and duck goose oysters Lobster eel and fish were likely served alongside pumpkins and cranberries but not pumpkin pie or cranberry sauce also did you know that Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday on October 3rd 1863 Sarah josepha Hale the woman who wrote Mary had a little lamb convince Lincoln to make Thanksgiving a national holiday after writing ERS for 17 years that's all for this broadcast I'm Evan and I'll see you next time